
Monday Feb 12, 2018
S1 #1 A Quick Introduction with the Arcadia Unified Student Podcast Team
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Monday Feb 12, 2018
In this episode, the Arcadia Unified Student Podcast Team will be introducing themselves and sharing what they have in store for future episodes to come. Enjoy!
Find our episodes here!

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
S1 #2 A Sit-down Interview with a Gov Team Member and 10 Things to Do in LA!
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
In this episode, Jeffrey Lee interviews his brother on what it's like to be a member of the Arcadia High School Constitution Team while Lulan Yu shares her thoughts on the top 10 things to do in LA!
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
In this episode, Jeffrey Lee and Katie Wen interview a couple of their friends about their favorite places to eat out at in Arcadia, while Pengchi Xiao interviews the Yearbook PR Director, Kelly Li, to tell you all about the class.
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
This week, we decided to focus on leadership. Jarett Yip interviewed a Senior Men and Women member, or an SMW member. Reiko Inoue collected a few opinions on students' favorite study spots in Arcadia, and Brandon Chen interviewed a Link Crew member.
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
Tuesday Mar 13, 2018
In this week's episode, Jeffrey Lee heard from Ethan Chen, a Science Olympiad Captain. Lulan Yu also shared her first experience at the Sadies dance.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
In this week's episode, Kelly Li interviews William Shue, the Math Team Captain, about the workings of Math Team, while Jeffrey Lee scores an interview with his brother, Frank Lee, discussing reflections on the AHS Walkout and what to do next. As an added bonus, some members of the podcast team also contribute what their favorite school food is!
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
In this week's episode, podcast member Reiko Inoue takes the job of being the host as the regular, host, Jeffrey Lee, is recovering from a sore throat. Also in this week's episode, Reiko interviews Arcadia High School's National Honor Society (NHS) President Sara Maung to find out what NHS is all about, while Lulan Yu informs us all about the Arcadia Invitational, and Reiko interviews AHS Varsity Badminton team member Katelyn Khaing to discover the secret to their undefeated season so far.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
In this week's episode, podcast host Jeffrey Lee interviews the Arcadia High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter's Director of Activities to find out about FBLA and how their recent trip to Ontario for their State Competition went. Also, podcast member Lulan Yu wraps up the Arcadia Invitational with her opinion on how things went in one of the biggest meets in the country. Last but not least, podcast members Jarett Yip and Pengchi Xiao interviewed many people that participated in Spring Preview, ranging from an SMW member to an incoming freshman to Dr. Forsee.
Find our previous episodes here!

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
In this week's episode, the host, Jeffrey Lee, interviews Scarlet Yang, and Orchesis member, to discover what Orchesis is all about, along with what dance means to her, while podcast team member Katie Wen shares her thoughts on the process of podcasting, and podcast team member Reiko Inoue interviews two Arcadia High School art teachers, Ms. Weaver, and Ms. Bradley, about the upcoming art show happening later this week.
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
This week, podcast member Lulan Yu interviews Yale-bound, straight A’s, track star, and amazing DCI member himself, Darius Jing, while host Jeffrey Lee provides a quick update on the AHS baseball team's continued success. Last but not least, podcast member Reiko Inoue interviews Seongwook Jang and Jessica Chou, two of the minds behind Arcadia High School’s new app!
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
In this week's episode, podcast host Jeffrey Lee cooks up a few tough questions for the new ASB president, Alvin Tran, while he and a couple of other podcast members seek to find out what to do during summer by asking their friends what their summer plans are.
Find our previous episodes here!

Thursday May 31, 2018
S1 #12 Interview with AHS Valedictorian, Favorite Classes, and Yanny vs. Laurel!
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
In this week's episode, podcast host Jeffrey Lee interviews the amazing Arcadia High School valedictorian, Stella Cho, on her journey to becoming valedictorian, while various other podcast members talk about their favorite classes. Last but not least, podcast member Lulan Yu tackles one of the most pressing questions of our generation: is it Yanny, or Laurel?
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Welcome to the second season of the Arcadia Unified Student Podcast!
In this episode, the new 2018-2019 Arcadia Unified Student Podcast Team will be introducing themselves as well as speaking about the mission they are working to accomplish with the podcast this year. In addition, host Jeffrey Lee will be discussing with podcast member Lawrence Sung about how far live reporting should go in times of danger. Enjoy!
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Season 2's second episode is filled with live interviews from our beloved staff and students at the Staff Appreciation Football Game. In addition, host Jeffrey Lee interviews ASB Historian Aaron Wu about the process that goes behind planning homecoming and prom, while podcast member Leila Nunez explores Arcadia High School's brand new talent show with Orchestra member Charisse Liu.
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
S2 #3 Live Interview with Arcadia's Got Talent Winner Calvin Nguyen!
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
In Season 2's third episode, host Jeffrey Lee has a live sit-down interview with the hilarious Arcadia's Got Talent Winner Calvin Nguyen on his act, his creative process, and his humor, and how to deal with stage fright.
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Oct 27, 2018
Saturday Oct 27, 2018
In this week's episode, podcast team resident tech guy Jarett Yip will inform you about California’s relatively recent net neutrality protection law, as well as what it means to you. Then, new podcast team member Grace Lee will be interviewing Chanteurs music associate Mikayla Hwee about their performance last week with California’s oldest show choir and the Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra.
Find our previous episodes here!

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
In this week's episode, podcast member Sarah Wang will interview Varsity Speech and Debate member Filbert Aung about the relatively recent Screaming Eagles Invite tournament our very own AHS Speech and Debate team competed in. Finally, host Jeffrey Lee will be interviewing Varsity water polo player Christian Lowe on Arcadia High School’s varsity water polo team’s victory against Chaparral High School just a few days ago.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Nov 12, 2018
S2 #6 A Tribute to Coach Iosia
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
"Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you." - Shannon L. Adler

Sunday Nov 25, 2018
Sunday Nov 25, 2018
In this episode, we have podcast member Jarett Yip interviewing Sarah Wang, the president and founder of one of Arcadia High School’s newest clubs, Unity Through Poetry, on the journey to forming a new club. Then, new podcast team member Quinn Hettich will be interviewing Jacob Hsu, a varsity cross country runner, recapping what happened at the cross country CIF Southern Section prelims. Last but not least, podcast team member Leila Nunez interviews Kendall Power on what it's like to perform in the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Play.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
S2 #8 College Talk with AHS Alumni and Current UCLA Student Conner Ching!
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
This episode marks the beginning of a series of college talks in which host Jeffrey Lee interviews former alumni currently attending UC colleges on their UC experience. Enjoy this episode on how UCLA freshman Conner Ching would improve on his college applications if given the chance as well as his experiences thus far at his school!
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
In this episode, host Jeffrey Lee will be interviewing UC Davis student Simon Sam and UC Berkeley student Nicholas Figueira on how they would improve on their college applications if given the chance to redo them as well as their experiences thus far at their respective schools.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
In this episode, host Jeffrey Lee will be interviewing UC Santa Barbara student Zoe Imansjah on how she would improve on her college applications if given the chance as well as her experiences thus far at her school.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
In this episode, I will be interviewing UC San Diego student Karen Thai on how she would improve on her college applications if she had the power to travel back in time as well as her experiences thus far at her school.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
In this episode, host Jeffrey Lee will be interviewing UC Irvine student, and also his brother from another mother, Jeffrey Huang, on how he would improve on his college applications if he were able to redo them again as well as his experiences thus far at his school.
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Tuesday Dec 11, 2018
Host Jeffrey Lee will be interviewing two athletes who already signed their letters of intent to colleges on how to balance extracurriculars and schoolwork and more! Podcast Team member Grace Lee will be interviewing Jacob Munoz and Patrick Gao, both members of band, about their experiences at the Arcadia Festival of Bands. Last but not least, Jeffrey will be doing a quick update on how the AHS Girls Varsity Tennis Team did at CIF-Southern Section State competition.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Jan 14, 2019
S2 #14 Life Advice With Buzzfeed Unsolved's Ryan Bergara!
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Host Jeffrey Lee interviews co-creater and co-host of popular Youtube TV series Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime, and AHS alum, Ryan Bergara! Enjoy!
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Host Jeffrey Lee seeks a more in-depth view on what the 2018 California PTA Legislation Conference is all about, why California in general needs more funding for education, and how more funding will affect the students of Arcadia Unified. This episode features Principal Acker, the principal of Foothills Middle School, Ms. Kinsler, a school board member, Dr. Wilson, AUSD’s assistant superintendent, and Ms. Verlato, Arcadia’s mayor pro tem!
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
This episode consists of two exciting interviews. First, podcast team member Grace Lee interviews AHS senior Nancy Xu about her book and her experience of it being chosen as a Project We Love from Kickstarter! Next, host Jeffrey Lee interviews Andrew Phu, another senior from AHS, who, along with his uncle, is working to create a search engine for educational institutes.
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Feb 02, 2019
S2 #17 New Podcast Members and Why Community College May Be The Best Choice For You!
Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Saturday Feb 02, 2019
Get to know the newest members of the podcast team in this new podcast! Also, discover a new perspective on community college as podcast team member Leila Nunez interviews Pasadena City College student Sebastian Arguetta! Enjoy!
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Feb 09, 2019
S2 #18 The Flu, Romaine Lettuce, and Practicing Good Hygiene!
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
New podcast name, new discussion format, and new episode? Not a problem. In light of the e. coli and lettuce crisis a while back, host Jeffrey Lee and podcast member Lawrence Sung discuss a variety of topics, including the crisis, flu season, and how to keep yourself safe from viruses!
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
S2 #19 The Ultimate Speech Tournament Experience!
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Have you ever considered joining Speech and Debate, but worry about what competition is like? Fear no longer! In this episode, hosts Lawrence Sung and Jeffrey Lee take you through one of the biggest speech tournaments of the year, round by round, complete with three thorough interviews to present our most in-depth episode of the year. Enjoy!
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
We all know some high school stereotypes, such as the jock or the nerd. In this episode, podcast member Christina Yao investigates how stereotypes affect AHS students and how they have learned to overcome them. Podcast member Becky Chen also interviews Filbert Aung, the co-founder of Undefined, the incredible speech monologue event about identity, on why he created the event, while podcast member Anya Yang interviews one of the event's speakers, Manasvi Chandra! Last but not least, resident tech guy/game boy Jarett Yip reports his top 3 games of the year so far!
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Today, we have a preview of Mental Health Awareness Week with Voices of Ability President Kanchan Kaur and podcast member Becky Chen. Becky and podcast member Kathy Liu then interview a unique talent of AHS, fencer Mickey Zhang, and last but not least, podcast member Lawrence Sung and his partner Justin Wang shows us an overview of CRISPR, a revolutionary gene editing tool!
Mental Health Awareness Week: 0:37
Unique Talent of AHS: 4:52
CRISPR Overview: 8:49
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Mar 16, 2019
Saturday Mar 16, 2019
In this episode, we have interviews with 3 very exceptional Arcadia High School students, the first being guitarist Julia Noji, who was recently noticed by Nick Jonas on social media! Next up, we have ASB Junior class president Braden Wong dramatically telling his tips on time management. And last but not least, we have next year’s Apache Pow Wow newspaper editor in chief Brandon Chen and everything you need to know about Pow Wow!
Guitar Playing with Julia Noji: 0:55
Time Management with Braden Wong: 5:00
Pow Wow with Brandon Chen: 19:12
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Today host Jeffrey Lee has an interview with Brady Stubbs, who played Jean Valjean in the most recent Arcadia High School Advanced Theater production: Les Miserables, on his take of his role, and of theatre in general. Next, we’ll be getting a bit political with Jarett Yip, our local political analyst, who will be giving us a rundown of the Democratic candidates running for President so far. Last but not least, podcast team member Christina Yao will be giving her take on the hype around metal straws!
Interview with Brady: 0:51
Presidential Candidates with Jarett: 10:17
Metal Straws with Christina: 13:05
Find our previous episodes here!

Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Let’s begin with an interview with the absolutely brilliant Aditee Prabhutendolkar and her Math Circles tutoring program, as well as how you can get the help you need to clutch that grade! Next, we have our history guy Lawrence Sung dramatically going over the interesting history of Hawaii, and last but not least, we have a recap of one of the most mysterious events to happen to juniors during junior year: Gatsby Day.
Math Circles with Aditee: 0:34
History of Hawaii: 3:57
Gatsby Day Recap with Elisha and Sage: 9:32
Find our previous episodes here!
Find more information about Aditee's program here!
Words of wisdom from Aditee: “Don’t be afraid of the potential challenges. Get to solving the problem; no one else will solve it for you.”

Monday Apr 22, 2019
S2 #25 Triumph, Failure and Hope!
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Today, we have an interview with star athlete Emilie Sung about the annual Arcadia Invitational track meet. Next, podcast team member Christina Yao will discuss college rejections and how to deal with them in an interview with Aditya Bhawal. Last but not least, stay tuned as Becky Chen talks about the amazing Holocaust survivor Trudie Strobel, who visited our very own Arcadia High School! Enjoy!
Arcadia Invitational Recap with Emilie: 0:46
How to Deal with College Rejections with Aditya: 1:47
Holocaust Survivor Guest Speakership Experience: 8:15
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
This week, podcast discussion anchor Lawrence Sung contacted our new mayor of Arcadia, Mayor April Verlato, who gives a personal statement addressed to all Arcadians! Next, podcast resident tech member 2.0 Joyce Pang interviews a couple of her friends for opinions on Airpods. Last but not least, we have a fun little segment where host Jeffrey Lee interviews Amazon Alexa.
Personal Statement from Mayor April Verlato: 1:57
Airpods: 6:36
Interview with Amazon Alexa: 9:15
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday May 05, 2019
S2 #27 New Spring Preview, New Girl Scout Gold Award, New App!
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
To wrap up this year's Spring Preview showcasing Arcadia High School's clubs, podcast member Kathy Liu interviews two middle schoolers and AHS's drum major, Carolyne Kim, about this experience at the event! Also, take a listen as podcast member Leila Nunez interviews Girl Scout Delaney Prater, who earned the Gold Award with her project Commit 2 Happy. Last but not least, Jeffrey Lee gives you the scoop on the new AHS Mobile app update coming soon!
Spring Preview Reflection: 0:40
Commit 2 Happy: 4:07
AHS Mobile App Update: 7:36
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday May 18, 2019
S2 #28 The Retired, The Hired, and The Fired Up (To Be Healthy)
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
This episode is about teachers! Podcast member Grace Lee interviews our beloved retiring Digital Photography teacher, Mr. Fujiwara. After that, podcast member Becky Chen interviews Ms. Hong, who used to teach at Foothills Middle School but is now in her first year at Arcadia High School, about her new experiences! Last but not least, podcast member (and varsity tennis player), Christina Yao, talks about why it's so difficult to eat healthy in today's society!
Interview With Mr. Fujiwara: 0:53
New Experiences with Ms. Hong: 4:39
Healthy Eating: 7:06
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday May 25, 2019
Saturday May 25, 2019
This episode starts with Jeffrey Lee's interview with Mr. Matthew Ormseth, an Arcadia High School and Cornell University graduate who now works at the LA Times, on his experiences in journalism. Next, Jeffrey talks to Kevin Tan, (our Harvard-bound valedictorian) and also the captain of Arcadia High School’s Science Olympiad, on what the team is all about. Last but not least, we have an interview with Chief Chen Suen, a Battalion Chief at the Arcadia Fire Department, on the upcoming Hands-Only CPR training sessions for the freshmen of Arcadia High School!
Journalism Advice with Matthew Ormseth: 1:03
Science Olympiad with Kevin Tan: 16:06
Hands-Only CPR Training with Chief Chen Suen: 25:23
Find our previous episodes here!
Find last year's episode on Science Olympiad here on Podbean or here for Spotify!

Monday Jun 17, 2019
S2 #30 Bipartisanship: What Does It Really Compromise?
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
In this episode, Becky Chen interviews Young Democrats officer Conner Hua and Lawrence Sung interviews Young Republicans President-elect Holden Nash about why it’s difficult to achieve bipartisanship, and what their respective parties can do to help achieve it. We also have a discussion between four students on the podcast team with a variety of beliefs, expanding on topics such why elected representatives usually stick so close to party lines. Last but not least, for a more overarching, objective view, we have Christina Yao’s interview with Constitution Team member Francesca Yao on what changes can be made to the government to encourage bipartisanship!
Young Democrats officer Conner Hua: 1:07
Young Republicans President-elect Holden Nash: 3:39
Bipartisanship Discussion: 9:52
Constitution Team member Francesca Yao: 13:54
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Jul 22, 2019
S2 #31 Special Graduation Episode And The Story of Mirai Nagasu!
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
School has been over for a while now, but once an Apache, always an Apache! This episode contains interviews with some of the seniors in the Class of 2019, along with a special segment honoring Olympic bronze medalist Mirai Nagasu!
Senior Interviews: 0:48
Story of Mirai Nagasu: 13:43

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
S3 #1 Meet The Team!
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Feast your ears on the first episode of the 2019-2020 school year! Reminisce about how far we've come, listen in to our plans for the year, and get to meet everyone in the Podcast Team!
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Sep 28, 2019
S3 #2 Teacher Features: Ms. DeSurra & Mr. Wang!
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Saturday Sep 28, 2019
Double teacher feature! Learn about two of your favorite teachers (Ms. DeSurra and Mr. Wang), specifically what Ms. DeSurra does outside of the classroom and her favorite and least favorite books, as well as Mr. Wang's teaching philosophy and interesting classroom memorabilia!
Interview with Ms. Desurra: 00:36
Interview with Mr. Wang: 12:56
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
S3 #3 New Principal & the Rose Court Princess!
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Howdy! This episode features podcast member Claire Li, who interviews our new principal, Ms. Dillman, to get to know her better. Last but not least, Daniel Ogura meets with recently crowned Rose Court princess Rukan Saif and talks to her about the process it took for her to become a princess. Enjoy!
Interview with Ms. Dillman: 0:42
Interview with Rukan: 17:56
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
S3 #4 Impeachment Timeline, Staff Appreciation, & The Student Youtuber
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
In the spirit of the recent Staff Appreciation football game, we have a few words from staff and students alike! Next, podcast member Jarett Yip takes a look at President Trump’s potential impeachment timeline and his opinion on its potential ramifications. Last but not least, podcast team manager Jeffrey Lee interviews highly requested student Youtuber and our very own Apache, Andrew Liu!
Staff and student interviews: 0:50
Potential Impeachment Timeline: 7:09
Interview with Andrew: 9:06
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Nov 02, 2019
S3 #5 The Pendulum Swings At Eisenhower Park
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
Saturday Nov 02, 2019
What does the First Amendment’s right to peaceably assemble, civic education, the mahjong-playing mayor of Arcadia, and a passionate group of Arcadia citizens all have in common? They all came together a couple of months ago to successfully protest the removal of the basketball courts at Eisenhower Park.
This is the story of how they did it, told to you in the Podcast Team's first documentary-esque episode of the school year! Enjoy!
Find our previous episodes here!

Friday Nov 15, 2019
S3 #6 A Whole New World
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
In this episode, find interviews with Zoe Lam and Emily Phan from Arcadia Theatre about the ongoing play She Kills Monsters, Kare for Kids president Jasmine Oang about her club, and writer Jeffrey Lee about publishing his first book "Juicy Scenarios For You To Read" on Amazon!
She Kills Monsters: 1:45
Kare for Kids: 9:08
Publishing a book and Future Problem Solving: 16:06
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Dec 09, 2019
S3 #7 Making A Movie With Amy Poehler & Chris Baugh!
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Fun fact: this episode is actually our 50th podcast episode of all time, so we brought you something really special!
Recently, we had a movie called "Moxie" that was filmed in our very own Arcadia High School. The director of the movie is Amy Poehler, an actress, comedian, writer, and producer known for starring in the beloved series "Parks and Rec." We were able to interview her and the location manager of the movie, Chris Baugh, about "Moxie" and their exciting experiences! Enjoy!
Apache Pow Wow article: https://theapachepowwow.net/10054/news/netflix-qa-amy-poehler/
APN Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBrW2K8XFQY
Find our previous episodes here!

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Today, we have 3 topics on the table. The first is an in-depth look at the French exchange program with Madame Vaughan and Sofia Nagy. Next, let’s dive through the phenomenon that is Daylight Saving Time with our student daylight savings expert Grace Lee. Last but not least, we catch up with the two tech-savvy students at AHS who updated our student webpage!
French Exchange: 0:48
Daylight Savings: 11:50
New ausd.net Student Webpage: 14:58
Find our previous episodes here!

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
S3 #9 Around the World with Mr. Fox, & Crispitos!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Today, we start off with Joyce Pang, who joins our very own history teacher, Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox mentions traveling a lot in his class--and get this, he lived in Japan for a few years, so we were confident that he would have some interesting stories. And we were right.
We also have Jarett Yip and his take on the impacts on culture and health that came from our favorite long-ago snack: Crispitos!
Mr. Fox Interview: 0:47
Culture of Crispitos: 9:47
We love you Ms. Nuuvali! - DCI
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
One month ago, 150 attendees marched up the steps of the California State Capitol and presented their legislators with an educational agenda that now means more than ever in our increasingly chaotic political climate. Those attendees were simply run-of-the-mill people from towns big and small e.g. parents, teachers, school district employees, PTA members, and even a few students. However, what this group of bold citizens did in the state capital is a truly inspiring story that our podcast team member and Arcadia PTA Student Representative Lawrence Sung got to witness firsthand. Join him as he pulls back the curtain on the California PTA Legislation Conference and why it is so important for you to fulfill YOUR civic responsibility as an American citizen!
Featuring: Arcadia Unified School District Board Member Cung Nguyen, Arcadia PTA Parent Representative Jennifer Ledesma, Riverside PTA Student Representative Spencer Young, California PTA Community Concerns Legislative Advocate Kathy Rabun, and California Secretary of State Alex Padilla.
Find our previous episodes here!

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
In this episode, the AUSD DCI Podcast team welcomes three new members of the team- Anvitha Marlapati, Zaw Win or George, and Sofia Nagy! Listen to their introductions and learn a little bit more about who the podcast team consists of!
We also have an interview from podcast member Becky Chen with Link Crew Commissioner Derek Chang all about Link Crew and the upcoming recruitment season! Reminder that the mandatory meeting is Friday, Feb. 28!
Lastly, new podcast member Anvitha Marlapati interviews the President of the PLE Spoken English Organization, Alan Xiong. Together, the two go over what the volunteer organization is all about and how you could join! Link to the application below:
New members' introductions: 0:34
Interview with Derek Chang: 2:05
Interview with Alan Xiong: 5:22

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
We begin this episode with Nina Wang and two Arcadia High School ASB members, Kaitlyn Tran and Megan Ngo, as they go over Sadies 2020! Sadies is hosted every two years at Arcadia High School and it gives a chance for the ladies to ask the gents to the dance.
Recently, Arcadia High School’s Speech and Debate team competed at the Speech and Debate State Qualifications at East Los Angeles College. Becky Chen interviews the Speech and Debate team members and coaches to discuss more about what happened!
And of course, we cannot forget the new furry friend who was recently added as a member of the Arcadia City Police Department. Sofia Nagy interviews Officer Nick Cvetkovich about Kaiser, the new K-9 member, and the story of how Kaiser became Kaiser.
Interview with ASB: 0:45
Interview with Speech and Debate: 2:33
Interview with Officer Nick: 7:35

Friday Apr 10, 2020
S3 #13 Clubs and Chillin': How Arcadians Relax
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Yes--Keepin' It Arcadia is still running, and we intend on uploading every Friday and keepin' it normal! Our first quarantine episode is covering these two topics:
Anvitha Marlapati starts us off with some ways to keep yourself entertained and active during the COVID-19 quarantine, because we at Keepin' It Arcadia know that at least some of you are bored to death at home.
Claire Li introduces us and talks to three elementary schoolers at Highland Oaks Elementary School who have brought the idea of clubs to their school. Keep in mind, clubs have never existed at the elementary level, so this is a gamechanger for Arcadia Unified!
Fun Things to Do While in Quarantine: 1:00
Clubs at Highland Oaks Elementary School: 7:38
Find our previous episodes at www.arcadiaunified.podbean.com.

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
S3 #14 Arcadia Online (and on TV)! (Pt. 1)
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Note: We are sorry for the delay, but this episode turned out to be an hour long, so we had to split it and revise it to make it into episodes 14 and 15!
Despite the pandemic and the restrictions that quarantine brings onto Arcadia, our city is still making itself known, whether it be on national television or in the local community. (we bet that no one gets the AOL reference we put in). In this two-part special, we follow four individuals who have stepped up to the plate and broadcast Arcadia's talents out to the world.
For part one, we feature Xiaoke Ying and Amir Malik. Ying was the Arcadia alumna that placed third in the Jeopardy College Championship; she explains the journey she took to get onto Jeopardy and how it has impacted her. Meanwhile, Malik is a Michael Jackson tribute artist whose YouTube presence has grown rapidly; he delves into how the King of Pop inspired him and describes the intricacies of how he learns MJ's routine.
Click here for all our previous episodes!

Friday Apr 24, 2020
S3 #15 Arcadia Online (and on TV)! (Pt. 2)
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Despite the pandemic and the restrictions that quarantine brings onto Arcadia, our city is still making itself known, whether it be on national television or in the local community. (we bet that no one gets the AOL reference we put in). In this two-part special, we follow four individuals who have stepped up to the plate and broadcast Arcadia's talents out to the world.
For part two, we got to talk to Andrew Ritiau and Frank Suñez. Ritiau, the youth ministry pastor at Arcadia Community Church (ACC), aided the transition from in-person church services to online services, and along the way, he coordinated some of the most amazing displays of faith online that Keepin' It Arcadia has ever seen. In his interview, he describes how ACC made the jump to online platforms and how it has impacted Christianity in the community. Meanwhile, Suñez has been leading Arcadia High School's news crew--Apache News (APN)--as its advisor through the pandemic by coordinating the continued release of weekly newscasts, and even pulling off an online gaming tournament! He goes in-depth on how APN adjusted to the school closure in the wake of the current quarantine and APN's future plans.
Find our previous episodes here!

Saturday May 09, 2020
S3 #16 Remaining Hopeful
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, the Keepin' It Arcadia podcast decided to host its very first poetry contest! Open to middle school and high school students, the contestants were challenged to write an acrostic poem revolving around the theme of "hope". Not only do the contest winners have their poems read aloud on the podcast, but their poems will also be published by the student-run online journal, The Sienna Solstice at www.siennasolstice.com! Special shout out to everyone who participated and a big congratulations to the winning writers!
Middle School Category:
"Hopeful" by Chloe Wong: 2:17
"Light in the Darkness" by Juliette Fang: 2:50
"Why Won't They Stay Home?" by Natalia Nagy: 3:48
High School Category:
"The Healing Process" by Maureen Zhang: 4:30
"Untitled" by Andrea Lou: 5:08
"Lotus Flower Foot Binding" by Maggie Sun: 6:00
The team at Keepin' It Arcadia hopes everyone is staying healthy and doing well at home! Remember to stay strong and please continue social distancing for your safety and of those around you!
Find our previous episodes at www.arcadiaunified.podbean.com.

Friday May 29, 2020
S3 #17 Fight to the Finish
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
The famous Santa Anita Racetrack, a cornerstone of the city of Arcadia, California, was established in 1934. It has a long and varied legacy: from night markets, circuses, high school graduation ceremonies, major horse races, and band reviews, to, unfortunately, the United States' Japanese internment system and horse deaths. In this podcast, the team at Keepin' It Arcadia discusses the history and the significance of the Santa Anita Racetrack through several one-on-one interviews with experienced journalists, citizens of Arcadia, a former Japanese internee, employees at the racetrack, and the city mayor to establish connections to the racetrack's past and success today. Tune in to a story that immerses listeners in the rich and diverse heritage of a Californian landmark.
Find our previous episodes at www.arcadiaunified.podbean.com